
Stanislav Gorkovenko



Born in1938 in Baku. Studied in Azerbaijan Conservatory, then in Leningrad one (prof.N.Rabinovich). Gorkovenko was the leader of Leningrad Musichall Orchestra (1967-1978). Since 1978 is a chief conductor of Solovyov-Sedoy orchesrta (former Radio and TV orchestra, now – Gubernatorial orchestra). Gorkovenko is the author of songs and children operas, one of which(«Ognivo») was staged in Samara opera and ballet theatre. He is also the member of the Petrovskaya science and art Academy.

Nearest concerts

Grand Hall:
191186, St. Petersburg, Mikhailovskaya st., 2
+7 (812) 240-01-80, +7 (812) 240-01-00
Small Hall:
191011, St. Petersburg, Nevsky av., 30
+7 (812) 240-01-70
Write us:
Box office opening hours: 11 am to 8 pm (on concerts days to 8.30 pm)
Lunch Break: 3 pm to 4 pm
Box office opening hours: from 11 am to 7 pm (on concerts days to 7.30 pm)
Lunch Break: 3 pm to 4 pm
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«Saint-Petersburg Philharmonia»